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I have a bad back...and my husband is a Chiropractor...What??? A Testimonial by AllisonHoffer

I have a bad back…and my husband is a Chiropractor…What???
A Testimonial by Allison Hoffer

I get comments all the time “You are so lucky you are married to Dr. Hoffer!”, or “You must have the best back ever!” Well, all that is so true, EXCEPT the fact that I have a really bad back. The last 20-30 years of my life, I’ve suffered two bad car accidents and a really bad water skiing fall. My L5 (5th Lumbar disc) is gone. Due to severe degeneration from trauma my L5/S1 joint is fused and has all kinds of jagged edges…it looks like a disc of a 90 year old. I’ve gone through the worst pain (besides child birth) and was so frustrated and fearful that I was beyond help and would never feel normal again . When my back trauma began Dr. Hoffer (I call him Dr. Hoffer in the office so that’s what I’m calling him here) was going to Chiropractic school and did not yet have the skills or knowledge that he does now. He learned A LOT when I was going through this horrible time of my life – which I believe has made him the wonderful Chiropractor he is today.

My first “episode” happened after a water skiing fall at the age of 25 and it took me out of commission for 6 months. I had excruciating low back pain and sciatica going down my leg. I could not drive, take a shower, walk, sit, lay, sleep, shop, or do any housework without crying. We just moved to Northern California so Dr. Hoffer could attend Chiropractic school, and I began a job working at a pharmaceutical company as a copy clerk. My job was to make copies of various drug studies and ship to different countries for review. This involved bending and lifting very heavy boxes of paper all day. My coworkers actually asked my boss if I was handicapped because I couldn’t stand up straight for months.

I was a competitive swimmer since I was 7 and then a college swimmer in the 80s. I was always in great shape, and not being able to exercise KILLED me! I was so desperate to move during this episode that I tried walking. Every night Dr. H and I would walk 2 blocks to 7- eleven so I could get a slurpee. And every time I had to stop half way and lay on this grassy area while my sweet husband would get me my cherry and coke slurpee. 

Shots or surgery were out of the question for me. I felt I was too young and everything that has to do with needles going into my spine terrified me. I did try muscle relaxers and those just made me feel worse. I saw multiple Chiropractors in the Bay area and got minimal relief. I would feel better after an adjustment, but then I got into the car and the pain came right back. Only until we flew home to Arizona to see Dr. Hoffer’s childhood Chiropractor (who helped inspire his Chiropractic journey) did I turn a corner. Knowing what I know now, I should have been on a program of corrective care, instead of coming in occasionally ‘and see how it goes’. I remember feeling guilty for wanting to get another adjustment – almost like I disappointed the Chiropractor by not feeling better yet.

My second and final ‘episode’ happened 10 years later after a major car accident. Before the accident I was doing really well. I was running, doing triathlons and gave birth to my awesome sons. Dr. Hoffer was working hard and discovered my personal recipe to keep me pain free (yes I was lucky). But Raising 2 crazy active, hyper toddlers did its toll. I was so busy and stressed with life and didn’t take time to take care of my back. I ran, but didn’t lift weights or stretch. I was overweight, eating dairy which inflames my body and had no routine (which commonly happens when you are in crazy mom mode). Basically I was living on the edge with an unstable spine so when I got hit in the car accident, my back blew out. Dr. Hoffer went into full fledge doctor mode to help me heal, AND, he also went into full fledge husband mode and took over all household and kid duties. I literally laid on ice, got adjusted and rested. Then I started to walk and swim. After that, Dr. H. taught me some key exercises and stretches that I still do regularly to this day. I decided after that final episode I would never do anything to hurt my back again. I stopped running on the road, and went to a soft treadmill. I started lifting weights regularly and doing exercises to strengthen my back so my adjustments would hold. I. worked on my diet so I wouldn’t have inflammation. Any time I would feel a hint of ‘that pain’ coming, I would ice and get an extra adjustment. I NEVER WANT TO FEEL THAT PAIN AGAIN!!!

Currently my L5 has fused, I have permanent nerve damage, and I have no reflex in my lower leg. We have learned that my daily routine of doing core exercises, and stretching along with weekly adjustments keeps me healthy and able to water ski, swim, run, snow ski, weightlift, play tennis and live a pain free life!  I avoided many spinal injections, addictive narcotic medications and life changing invasive back surgery. Chiropractic, and of course my husband SCOTT, has forever changed my life. I I truly understand when you lose your health, you lose your life.

When a patient comes in who can barely walk and is miserable, I can’t help but to feel their pain. I try so hard to explain to them about being patient with the healing process and to listen to Dr. Hoffer and to follow his instructions. Some patients do need to be referred out for further more invasive treatment, but our goal is to exhaust every measure possible before it comes to that.

I share my story to give anyone who is suffering HOPE! If you want a non-invasive, natural way to heal…TRY CHIROPRACTIC and give us a call!


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